victorian hearing

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Tinnitus Treatment: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

Tinnitus is a problem related to ear where the patient hears a continuous ringing or buzzing sound. Different hearing tests confirm that this hearing problem is not a condition in itself, but could be a symptom of some underlying health issue. Age related hearing loss, ear injury or circulatory system disorder could be few health problems that could have tinnitus as symptom.

Tinnitus is not something to worry about as it does not create any other problem, but can worsen with age. Conditions can be improved with Tinnitus treatment. Treatments work on reducing or masking the sound so that the problem becomes less noticeable.

Tinnitus is believed to be caused because of many reasons, few of them include
  • Age related hearing loss: As people age, they may face hearing loss which could cause tinnitus. This hearing loss is known as presbycusis.
  • Exposure to loud noise: When people are exposed to loud noises like sounds from various machines, firearms, could aid in noise related hearing loss. Portable music devices can also cause noise related hearing loss if played loudly for long periods.
  • Earwax blockage: Earwax generally protects ears from dirt and by slowing the growth of bacteria. If too much of ear wax gets accumulated, it becomes too hard to wash away naturally that could cause hearing loss that may lead to tinnitus.
  • Ear bone changes: If bones in the middle ear are stiffened, it may lead to tinnitus. In many cases this could be hereditary.

So it is better to avoid loud noises to be safe from hearing problems.

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